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Doctrinal Statement

Family of Faith is a bible based fellowship of believers. We believe the bible is God’s inspired word without error. We believe in the Deity of Christ. We believe in Salvation by Grace. We believe in the Virgin Birth, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ. We believe in the Gospels. We believe in Monotheism (One God). We believe in the Holy Spirit.

Mission Statement

Build Stronger Families

Vision Statement

To build a community of faith through Christ centered teaching and preaching that will foster stronger families.

Meet the Pastor &  Lady Glenn

Dr. B. Patrick Glenn

Dr. B. Patrick Glenn is the husband of Jeanie Glenn and the father of Ashton and Auston Glenn. He is the Senior Pastor of Family of Faith Fellowship Church in Houston, Tx and presiding prelate of royal Priesthood Ecclesiastical Fellowship and Dean of Academics at Inner Peace Theology College. He has obtained a Bachelors of Biblical studies, Masters of Counseling, Doctorate of Laws in Religious Education, and Doctorate of Christian Education with Concentration in Apologetics during his attendance at Liberty University, Andersonville Theological College, and GMOR Theology Institution. Dr. Glenn preaches a relevant word that causes a shifting in the atmosphere.

Pastor Jeanie Glenn

Pastor Jeanie is the proud wife of Dr. B. Patrick Glenn. Pastor Jeanie is known for her ability to lead women into self acceptance. Accepting the call into ministry in 2001, She leads the Women of Faith Ministry at Family of Faith Fellowship Church. This ministry was set in place to minister to the needs of women and encourage them that their past does not dictate their future.

Her goal is to help women know that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made by God”. Pastor Jeanie emphasizes the importance of how women should conduct and care for themselves as women of God. She also emphasizes the importance of developing positive self-esteem and not being ashamed of ones past but appreciating the fact that they don’t have to remain stuck there. All while preserving the perspective that they can use their past experiences as stepping stones to a better life.

Pastor Jeanie has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Theology from Inner Peace Theological College. She married her kindergarten sweetheart, Dr. B. Patrick Glenn on December 8, 1990 and together had twin boys named Ashton Jerrod and Auston Jerrel Glenn.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident in this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.